Updated 2024 Super Bowl Odds

Updated 2024 Super Bowl odds

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Chiefs on Top

The 2024 Super Bowl odds have been updated as we enter the second half of the NFL regular season. Fans are eagerly anticipating what should be a thrilling playoff race. Just like in any other exciting competition, teams are jostling for favorable positions. The oddsboard currently shows that the Kansas City Chiefs have managed to surpass the Philadelphia Eagles by the narrowest of margins in the race to win Super Bowl LVIII.
The Chiefs, with a record of 7-2, managed to beat the Miami Dolphins in Frankfurt, Germany with a score of 21-14. This win brought their total wins to seven out of eight games, and their odds to win it all increased from +500 to +490. Despite beating the Dallas Cowboys 28-23, the Eagles, with a record of 8-1, remained at +500. According to David Helman, a FOX Sports Cowboys Insider, the Chiefs made a statement with their win against the Dolphins.

Chiefs Secondary Praised

Helman also praised the Chiefs’ secondary, who, with the exception of one long touchdown from Cedrick Wilson, managed to prevent the Dolphins from scoring any explosive passes. Overall, it was an impressive performance from the Chiefs.

Here is a look at every team’s title odds.

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At Allegiant Stadium, Las Vegas, Feb. 11

Kansas City Chiefs: +490 (bet $10 to win $59 total)
Philadelphia Eagles: +500 (bet $10 to win $60 total)
San Francisco 49ers: +600 (bet $10 to win $70 total)
Baltimore Ravens: +850 (bet $10 to win $95 total)
Dallas Cowboys: +1100 (bet $10 to win $120 total)
Miami Dolphins: +1200 (bet $10 to win $130 total)
Cincinnati Bengals: +1400 (bet $10 to win $150 total)
Detroit Lions: +1500 (bet $10 to win $160 total)
Buffalo Bills: +1500 (bet $10 to win $160 total)
Jacksonville Jaguars: +2000 (bet $10 to win $210 total)
Cleveland Browns: +2800 (bet $10 to win $290 total)
Seattle Seahawks: +3400 (bet $10 to win $350 total)
Los Angeles Chargers: +3900 (bet $10 to win $400 total)
New Orleans Saints: +4200 (bet $10 to win $430 total)
Pittsburgh Steelers: +8500 (bet $10 to win $860 total)
Atlanta Falcons: +9500 (bet $10 to win $960 total)
Minnesota Vikings: +10000 (bet $10 to win $1,010 total)
Green Bay Packers: +14000 (bet $10 to win $1,410 total)
Los Angeles Rams: +14000 (bet $10 to win $1,410 total)
Tampa Bay Buccaneers: +14000 (bet $10 to win $1,410 total)
Houston Texans: +14000 (bet $10 to win $1,410 total)
New York Jets: +14000 (bet $10 to win $1,410 total)
Washington Commanders: +15000 (bet $10 to win $1,510 total)
Tennessee Titans: +19000 (bet $10 to win $1,910 total)
Indianapolis Colts: +20000 (bet $10 to win $2,010 total)
Las Vegas Raiders: +29000 (bet $10 to win $2,910 total)
Denver Broncos: +29000 (bet $10 to win $2,910 total)
Carolina Panthers: +95000 (bet $10 to win $9,510 total)
Chicago Bears: +100000 (bet $10 to win $10,010 total)
Arizona Cardinals: +100000 (bet $10 to win $10,010 total)
New England Patriots: +100000 (bet $10 to win $10,010 total)
New York Giants: +100000 (bet $10 to win $10,010 total)

* as of 11/7/2023


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